ANP ready to define guidelines for mandatory investments by oil companies

The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) has just appointed the members of its Scientific-Technical Committee (Comtec), which was created by the end of last year among the new regulation for implementation, by the oil companies, of the mandatory investments in Research, Development and Innovation (R&D). According to this contractual obligation, which exists since 1998, 1% of gross sales of oil and increased production of natural gas fields must be invested in R&D. So far, the funds generated exceeded R$ 10 billion and are predicted, for the next ten years, to reach an additional R$ 30 billion.
Comtec will develop and disseminate guidelines for application of funds corresponding to the minimum percentages established for accredited institutions and Brazilian companies, as dispositions present in Regulamento Técnico ANP 3/2015. For Brazilian companies, it means at least 10% of the amount, considering the concession contracts since de 11th round and the sharing contracts. This means R$ 3 billion in a decade.
With a 2-year term, this is the first composition of the Committee:
Representing ANP
-Magda Maria de Regina Chambriard, ANP General Director, as the President of Comtec;
-Tathiany Rodrigues Moreira de Camargo, ANP Superintendent of Research and Technological Development, as the Executive Secretary of Comtec;
-Daniela Godoy Martins Corrêa, ANP Head of Coordination of Local Content.
-Alternates will be their regular substitutes at ANP.
Representing productive sector
-Elói Fernández y Fernández, Director of the National Organization of the Petroleum Industry (Onip), as Full Member representative of Onip;
-Carlos Soligo Camerini, Onip Superintendent, as Alternate Member of Onip;
-Eduardo Santos, Relationship Manager with the S&T Community at Petrobras, as Full Member representative of the Brazilian Institute of Oil, Gas and Biofuels (IBP);
-Olivier Wambersie, Shell Technology General Manager, as Alternate Member of IBP.
Representing Academy, Science and research sectors
-Paulo Roberto Santos Ivo, Vice-President of Southeast Region of the Brazilian Association of Technological Innovation and Research Institutions, as Full Member representative of ABIPTI;
-Félix Andrade da Silva, ABIPTI Analyst Project Center, as Alternate Member of ABIPTI;
-Gustavo Henrique de Sousa Balduino, Executive Secretary of the National Association of Directors of Federal Institutions of Higher Education (Andifes), as Full Member representative of Andifes;
-Valter José Fernandes Júnior, Member of the College of pro rectors of Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation of the federal institutions of higher education (Ifes), as Alternate Member of Andifes.
The R&D clause includes, along with the payment of royalties and special participation, obligations of the contractors to explore and extract oil from the Brazilian underground. Royalties and special participation are deposited in the National Treasury. But the resources of R&D are applied in the facilities of the own oil companies or directly transferred to universities and research institutions or suppliers. Hence the need for ANP to establish rules and supervise their implementation.
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