In March 2014, Pesquisa FAPESP magazine, publication of the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP), highlighted PhDSoft in the report “Software made in Brazil”. The special report showed how Brazilian software was gaining the world.
“PhDsoft is a company about to enter the global market for suppliers of applications and technologies for the oil sector. The company’s main product, founded 14 years ago by former UFRJ [Federal University of Rio de Janeiro] professor Duperron Marangon, is C4D software, a program simulation capable of predicting structural failures in ships, oil platforms, bridges and other large constructions. The objective of the technology is to predict accidents, resulting in a significant reduction in the cost of inspection and maintenance”, said the report.
“Leading oil companies operating in Brazil, such as Petrobras, Shell, Transpetro and Subsea7, are customers of PhDsoft, which plans to open an office in Houston, Texas by September this year. ‘It will be our base for exploring the American market “, says Marangon. In addition, he is in negotiations with a government agency in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada, to start selling his products to the country.” Internationalization has always been an objective that we have pursued. Expanding our sales outside Brazil will mean a change in the level of our business’, says Marangon “.
This publication, in 2014, demonstrates PhDsoft’s pioneering spirit and leadership in the development of systems for predictive maintenance and risk analysis of critical assets, with the objective of reducing maintenance costs and improving the operational safety of machines, equipment and structures.